Confusion Surrounds Elrufai's Choice of Kano for #ArewaTechFest Over Kaduna

In a recent discussion, many have expressed their puzzlement over former Kaduna State Governor Nasir Elrufai's decision to host the upcoming #ArewaTechFest in Kano instead of his home state, Kaduna. This choice has raised eyebrows among political observers and residents alike, sparking debates about the implications of the venue selection.

Governor Uba Sani of Kaduna, in a recent interview, reassured the public that he maintains a good relationship with Elrufai, leading many to wonder about the dynamics at play. “What changed?” some have asked, as they reflect on the historic ties and collaborative efforts between the two leaders.

Critics argue that hosting the festival in Kano could signify a shift in focus away from Kaduna's potential as a tech hub, raising concerns about the state’s visibility in the regional tech ecosystem. Supporters of Elrufai, however, suggest that the choice may be strategic, aiming to broaden the festival’s reach and influence.

As discussions continue, stakeholders in Kaduna are eager for clarity on the motivations behind the decision, hoping for future initiatives that will promote technological advancement and investment in their state. The #ArewaTechFest is anticipated to draw significant attention, and its location remains a hot topic among the public.


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