Reno Omokri throws jab at slay queens using late Maryam Babangida's photos

Reno Omokri throws jab at slay queens using late Maryam Babangida

Reno Omokri is again throwing jabs at slay queens.


Posting photos of ex-First lady of Nigeria, lady Maryam Babangida, Reno wrote

''Maryam Babangida was one of the world’s most beautiful women ever. We need the media to project more natural beauties like Maryam, instead of force feeding youths ‘stunning’ photos of bleached divorcee slay queens, with surgically enhanced bodies!

This is a real beauty. Not useless people who corrupt the morals of our youth. From head to toe, nothing about you is real. Teaching our beautiful melanin endowed girls to hate their bodies, not knowing one hot towel can wipe away your fake beauty!''


Reno Omokri throws jab at slay queens using late Maryam BabangidaReno Omokri throws jab at slay queens using late Maryam Babangida 


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