Roadside Birth, God Is The Greatest!

So today I went to repair my phone at an engineer's place by the road side.

Then I saw too much of shouting, I thought they were fighting. But then I saw only women there With the few guys being chased away.

The woman's water just broke. No nurse or doctor or something, no bed just bare floor with elderly women around and she gave birth just by the roadside. The heat, dust, all unfavorable conditions and she still gave birth in less than 30 mins.

Then I wonder this same childbirth that take the lives of other people, some require operation while some long hours and yet this woman was able to deliver.

They still got her to stand up to enter Keke and was taken to the health care center with the placeta uncut from the baby. There was a roar of rejoice, thousands of congratulations.

I was happy and even made a silent prayer for her and her baby



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